When things start to go right…

Holy crow was today a productive day! Thank you Universe! I’ve been struggling with writers block for nearly THREE YEARS. I would open a book document, whether it be Solstice or another one I have in development, and I would just stare at the page, not able to write. Nothing would come forth! I was mentally constipated and my characters were nowhere to be found. And some of them had been VERY outspoken.
In order to break the block, I tried some things that I hadn’t done in the past and I signed up for CampNaNoWrimo, which started on July 1st. I honestly thought I was going to accomplish nothing. As July 1st approached, I started stressing because every time I opened Solstice, nothing came to me. I had also set a lofty goal for myself-80,000 words. I wanted to write the whole damn novel in a month. I had written Eternity in 6 weeks at 100k words, so I knew I could do it. I just figured I’d suck it up and deal with it on the 1st.
Well, let me tell you, I’ve been a writing fool since Monday. I don’t know what I did to unblock me, or who unblocked me (Juno? Rhiannon?) but THANK YOU. I’ve written 7500 words since Monday, meeting my goal everyday, and I see no signs of stopping. And it’s come alive again! I’m not just putting words in just to add them. The story is evolving, heading in a direction that I didn’t see coming and that just makes me so happy! I can’t wait to finish and start the editorial process 🙂

Retrospection & Reflection

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In 2008, I was listening to a song that inspired me to write a novel. Writing wasn’t new to me, I had been writing since I was 14 years old, but writing a full novel and then attempting to publish it was a foreign concept to me at that point. eReaders were gaining popularity, and although I had my eye on a fat publishing contract with a Big 5 publisher (just the thought of that hubris now makes me laugh till I cry), I figured I wouldn’t turn my nose up at a digital publisher. I wrote Eternity in a frenzy, and without even bothering to write a second draft, I shipped it out to 7 publishers and two agents. I had a healthy attitude about it, I knew I wasn’t going to get acceptance letters from all of them, but I had my bet on Harlequin, at least.

Not surprisingly, I didn’t hear back from the majority. I got a rejection letter from Harlequin and I got an email from Red Rose Publishing. It was not a rejection, it was a revision request. It stated that if I made certain revisions in the next 60 days, then I can resubmit directly to them. So I did. And they excepted Eternity for publication. I was ecstatic! It was a small boutique publisher that did mostly eBooks, but if your book sold enough, it would go to print. I was also told that they didn’t do any promotion, that I had to do it all. Er, what? I didn’t have the foggiest notion how to promote myself. I had *just* finally opened a Facebook page, since I had been using MySpace to keep in touch with friends. How did I go about selling myself or my book? It didn’t matter, I’d figure it out (still haven’t, 11 years later).

RRP had a small editorial department that concentrated mostly on copyedits, even though they called them line edits. At the time, I didn’t really know the difference, I just thought, Hey if my only issue is my love of the comma and run-on sentences (that hasn’t changed, either), then I AM A FANTASTIC WRITER! I think I ended up with 3 drafts of Eternity before it went to publication, and that was probably because I was throwing artistic hissy fits when some editor would come back and tell me I needed to cut something (the only line editing that was done). Ok, I’m being melodramatic. I don’t throw hissy fits. I’m unfailingly polite, but stubborn. I just honestly thought that I knew better for my story than they did. I learned NOTHING from this process…because I was mule-headed stubborn and thought I was the best romance writer since Nora Roberts.

Which brings me to today’s blog post. I, Teresa Federici, AM NOT the best romance writer since Nora Roberts, or any other well-known romance writer. Ten years out from publication, I’ve only sold 200 copies of Eternity. 52 copies of its follow up, Magick. 78 copies of Choices.  It’s not to say they are bad books, it’s just that they aren’t the best they can be. The picture at the top of this blog, if you haven’t already read it, is a rejection letter from Entangled Publishing. Not a super-well-known house, but gaining a steady reputation. Jennifer L. Armentrout is one of their well-known authors, a writer whose work I admire greatly. In that letter, the editor lays out Eternity’s flaws, succinctly and beautifully (I can say that now). I submitted it to them two years ago, but didn’t bother to read the reply once I saw the “Decline” status on Submittable. I didn’t bother because I was wearing a mantle built of such sayings as “Their loss” and “There’s always another publisher”. No, there isn’t. Not unless I change the way I think, write, and edit.

The editor also gave me a wonderful compliment, that I am a strong writer and they were excited about the fresh take of the story. I accept that compliment with humble thanks. I read that rejection letter finally, today actually, and I’ve been pondering on it for hours. Although I love my books, I can see now that they are far from perfect. I did the books, the people who bought the books, and my gift of writing a grave disservice. I need to take not only the words of that rejection letter to heart, but the meaning as well. I’m a strong writer that needs to learn more, pay attention more, seek advice and USE it.

I also need to seek professional help. No, not a therapist, although that’s debatable. I’m talking about freelance editors. I admit it, I’m cheap. I’m a struggling author working a day job that pays my bills, but not much more. I don’t really have the budget to pay an independent editor to edit my books. I was relying on friends. I love my friends who did this for me, but it wasn’t what the books needed. I need to set aside money in order to pay for professional editing services, which will help two-fold: polishing the books to shine, and teach me what I’m doing wrong. I need to understand that the money is an investment in me, in my books, and most importantly, to the readers who DO buy the books so that they get their money’s worth!

Lost in a sea of promotion

So, I’ve been published almost three years now (Eternity) and self-published for a few months (Choices) and I have to say…I’m torn. I write because I need to breathe. I love writing, I want to make it my career and living, but I find that I don’t make the money at it that would lead me to make it my career. I know these things take time, but I feel sometimes that I am not doing the whole self-promotion correctly. So should I keep at it, or devote more time to writing? Hence my torn status…

Don’t get me wrong- I love meeting all kinds of new people, and making new friends (Amanda Trickey is amazing, btw. You should follow her on Twitter), and that’s all well and good, but I really do feel like I’m hitting a brick wall. Am I being too impatient? Maybe. Are my books just not that good? I don’t *think* that’s it, but it could be. Do I not have the time to invest in self-promotion? Most definitely.


   Time management at its best. Laziness too…

I think that self-promotion takes an immense amount of time for it to work. You have to tweet, post, blog, swap author interviews, chat up people on forums (find the right forums too), and Put.Yourself.Out.There. I have a full-time job (7 AM to 5 PM), a bachelor’s degree to obtain (five nights a week of school work), and a 15-year old to raise (along with a husband. That job is 24/7), so I don’t have a ton of time to put myself out there. Most of what I do is on my lunch break at work, or after I finish school work, which amounts to roughly 2 hours of promoting. A full day of promotion, however, takes roughly 5-6 hours, to be done successfully. What’s a woman to do?

If someone has suggestions, I would love to hear them. I’m enjoying this ride, loving what I’m doing, but stress-cracks are starting to show. I’m only writing about a page a day, when I used to write 10-12. Writer’s block strikes more often. My habit of making lists is getting kind of scary and my Outlook calender is filled with tasks every ten minutes. I’m not giving up hope-far from it! Everyday, I’m more excited than the next about this journey that I’m on, but it would be kinda nice to streamline it and make it more successful!

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Something I was playing with

I am a fan of not only the supernatural, but of Supernatural, the TV show. Not that I have time to watch it (I’m usually a season behind, so no season 8 spoilers please!), but I’ve always loved the idea of monster hunters. I’ve given you a taste of one such book that I’m working on, but here is another. I only have the Prologue done, but I’m happy with it so far. I hope you enjoy it!


    When I was just a little girl, the dead spoke to me.  I would hear their whispers in the dark, susurrus exhalations that comforted more than frightened me. Most little girls would be frightened, crying out for their mothers or fathers to come comfort them in the dark, to banish it with light. Not so my childhood. There were other things in the dark that needed banishing.

When I was ten, I learned the lesson that I was not of the norm among my peers. It was a hard lesson to learn, because as a ten-year-old, I just wanted to fit in at whatever school I was attending. It became obvious to me, however, that other children couldn’t, nor wanted to, hear the voices from those long passed.  Nor did other children move around like I did, or have a father who left me alone for hours, sometimes days, at a time.

When I was 16, my world changed, and so much of the unusual in my life was explained. I didn’t know that the morning I opened my father’s suitcase was the morning my life would change, that the denizens of the dark held so long at bay by my father would come for me, in order to get to him. I never knew until that morning how much of a wanted man my father was, and why I thought nothing of the protection ritual my father would perform in every new place that we stayed.

I never knew, until that seemingly insignificant moment where I opened his suitcase to pull out a warm shirt, what our family was. We’re the hidden soldiers that fight for human kind, against creatures and beings most people would never comprehend. We’re hunters.

Copyright 2013 Teresa Federici


I have been away too long! Things got a little crazy there for a bit, with animals going to the vet and bringing a new puppy home, and trying to get some work done on Choices AND Magick…I just didn’t have the time! Can I not just skip sleep? If I could skip sleep and drink copious amounts of coffee, I’d be ok!

So I’m introducing a new character into the Immortals and Magick Trilogy, and he will be introduced in the third book. His name is Jaryth….well, I can’t give you his last name because I don’t believe in spoilers! Let’s just say he’s another vampire in Padraigan’s arsenal, but has close ties to one of the gang.

emo vamp

Jaryth is just your typical teenage vampire who is a couple of centuries old- he’s a little emo, a little tortured, and favors skinny jeans. But Jaryth has a secret, and things are not as they seem…

Stay tuned for more updates on Magick, Choices, Blood Moon, and many more!

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Am I weird?

The answer to that, of course, is yes. I AM weird. I know this, and frankly, I am A-ok with it. Let’s face it, most writer’s have to have a streak of strange in them, or else how would we write? We have voices in our heads telling us what to write! Most people find that a bit weird. Have no fear, the voices have great ideas….

From a very young age, I’ve had an active imagination. Also from that very young age, I have been in love with the paranormal. My mother used to tell us stories of my aunt’s haunted house in New Jersey, and how she used to feel like someone was watching her when she would babysit her niece and nephews. Instead of scaring me (like rabid Saint Bernards did), I was fascinated by it. I wanted, and needed, to know more.


About that time in my life, I also found vampires, witches, werewolves and all manner of things that go bump in the night. Surprisingly enough, my first taste of vampires was not Bram Stoker or The Lost Boys – it was a series of books by Time-Life, called Mysteries of the Unknown. I don’t know why, but for some reason my mother fostered this love of the paranormal in me. She wouldn’t buy the Encyclopedia Brittanica, but she got me every volume of Mysteries over the course of four years.

Although my writing is mostly romance, which I fell in love with (no pun intended) a few years after my love of the paranormal started, I am drawn to writing horror. However, my horror career is slow to spark, mostly because I scare myself when I write. Yes, that’s what I said. I’m not saying my horror is scary to everyone, I’m just saying that I have an active imagination and when I’m writing horror, especially when I’m alone…I get scared 🙂

So, the next few novels from me will be strictly romance- some paranormal, some contemporary- but I do have two or three novels of horror in the works…stay tuned for a taste!

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The Men…


I am a hot-blooded American woman with an appreciation of the male form. No man is better than my husband, but there are some pretty good specimen’s out there. The men in my books live up to those standards. No, I am not a shallow individual, and actually believe that it’s not just the physical form that should be attractive, but the personality and attitude as well.

Gareth is the embodiment of, well…my husband, for the most part. I really hope that doesn’t spoil the book for you, but its true. In an earlier post, I pointed out that the characters that author’s create are all based on someone they know, and in Gareth’s case, that’s my husband. He’s not a tall, mysterious vampire, but pretty much everything else is similar. My husband is more of a big kid than Gareth is, however.

Noah and Damien…they’re the guys who I used to date. Noah is the cocky (not in a bad way) smart-ass who has a heart of gold and feelings to match, and Damien is the tortured loner who’s just looking for some peace in his life. Gareth and Damien are similar, however Gareth is in the public eye, and not bothered by it. Damien chooses to be alone, and is uncomfortable having the attention on him.

I really can’t wait to finish Magick, and get to Blood Moon, so that you all can immerse yourself in these wonderful, intriguing men. They’re great guys, if I do say so myself 🙂

Long time, no see old friend

Wow, its been a loooong time since I wrote on here, and man is it dusty! I need to do some major housecleaning, change up the theme, post some news….craziness! I am working on some new stuff; the sequals to Eternity, plus two new novels are in development, including a zombie novel and a monster hunter novel. Keep checking back; I promise I won’t be away so long again 🙂