Magick is complete!

Back in 2009, I published my first novel, Eternity. It wasn’t the first one I ever wrote, but it was the first one I had the guts to submit to publishers. A small vanity press picked it up. I was so excited! I had the start of a trilogy and couldn’t wait to get to work on the second and third books. Magick, the second book, was started in late 2009, but life intervened. I had a few very tumultuous years, including a huge issue with my publishing house, and although I visited Magick often, and even wrote the prologue for Solstice, which is book three in the trilogy, I couldn’t devote time to my writing like I wanted to. I finished Magick in 2013  originally, but I rushed it and it was not good. I had two editors and a friend tell me to start over from the mid-point, where my writing obviously had suffered. Lots has happened since then, including me having a crushing case of writers block where I couldn’t write ANYTHING, but with a renewed resolve, I started working on Magick in earnest about two months ago.


Now, tonight, it’s done. It was a hard birth, painful where Eternity was painless, but well worth it, I think. I have sent it off to my editor, and I think she’ll be pleased. I knew I was back in the groove when the book took me to places all on it’s own, like an old friend guiding me gently by the hand. I had an outline but the book and it’s characters said, “Screw that outline, we’re taking you on a ride” and they did. That’s such a satisfying feeling after being without it for so long. Next step, editing. Then I’m entering Magick into the Amazon Kindle Scout contest to see if I can get a contract with Amazon. It’s not much different than self-publishing through them, except I get an advance and better promotion! Wish me luck, and I’ll keep you posted!

This is so true…

Close to publishing Magick!

It’s been too long, I know. I apologize for it, but Magick hit a few roadblocks. Regardless, I’m expecting to finish it tonight and get it to the editor! I’ll be entering it into the Kindle Scout promo before it get’s published. I wanted to give you a little taste in the meantime 🙂 Enjoy!

I oriented myself in the room. I was back in the same place I had been the last time I visited, and had a clear view of the two of them talking. Although instead of Charles being chained up, this time there was a man and woman chained. From the blood soaking their bodies, I had a feeling they were dinner. My stomach did a slow roll, even disembodied as I was.

“Is she ready? Do you think she’ll be able to handle it?” Charles asked Padraigan.

Padraigan leveled a look at Charles, a smirk playing about his generous mouth.

“Do you doubt my training? My powers of persuasion?” He may have worn a smirk, but his voice was ice.

I watched Charles duck his head, a submissive gesture if there ever was one. I guess if I was a sadistic vampire’s lackey, I’d be submissive too. Well, no. Not really. I probably would have already been eliminated.

“Forgive me, I meant no disrespect. It’s just a…delicate situation, considering what happened the last time she went up against one of their group.”

They had to be talking about Gemma. None of us had been visited by a female vampire other than Gemma, so they must be planning a return engagement. That’s ok. I relished the thought of beating down that bitch.

Padraigan paced the room like a tiger, all sinewy grace and caged ferocity. I could feel his rage simmering below the surface, driving his movements. He really was an impressive man. Too bad he was a psychopathic douche bag.

“She’ll do what’s being asked of her, regardless of what happened the last time she dealt with one of them. Very soon, they’ll all be dead, and I can go back to enjoying my life without that troublemaker working to destroy our lineage.” Padraigan snarled as he walked over to the woman. He bent down to look in her eyes.

“My poppet, you understand my needs, don’t you?” He asked the terrified woman, his voice almost a croon. She looked up at him with frightened eyes, tears having cut tracks through the blood on her face.

“Please, just let me go, I won’t tell anyone, I promise.” She begged, her voice hoarse, from screaming I guessed. My heart went out to her. Once I got back, I’d try my damndest to get her out of this hell hole.

Padraigan frowned at her, displeased with her response, and casually reached out and sliced her cheek open with his thumbnail. He straightened and licked her blood off his thumb as the women started crying hysterically.

“Where did all this romance go that surrounded vampires since Stoker painted such a pretty picture of us? You would think she’d be grateful.” He cast another disdainful glance at the woman and then turned his attention back to Charles.

“Once they’re gone Sir, I’ll become one of you, yes? Like we agreed?” Charles asked eagerly, casting his own glance at the man chained against the wall opposite the woman.

“Yes, yes, of course. Although Charles, it does seem that you’re doubting me again and I can’t have that.” A flash of lightening hit Charles in the upper arm and Charles was flung back against the wall by the force. I flinched as well, as he landed dangerously close to where I was observing. Being a sorcerer, he might have been able to feel my presence if he had gone through me.

“I’m sorry Sir, I’m sorry, I don’t doubt you!” Charles threw his hands up as Padraigan moved closer to him. Padraigan crouched down in front of him, his head cocked to the side. It made him look like a viper ready to strike.

“It’s getting very tedious listening to your mewling. You are practically worthless to me, yet I keep you around. Remember that Charles, the next time you decide to voice your inner doubts. Only my good graces keep you alive.” His voice was low but venomous, and I felt a tinge of fear for the first time since I arrived in the room. This creature was pure evil. If I believed in the Devil, I would say he was the physical embodiment of Satan.

I watched as he straightened up, so I shifted slightly out of the way. I still didn’t know if my first visit to him was just a connected dream or true astral projection but he knew then that I was there. However, he didn’t sense me the last time I was in this room, so I felt relatively safe, if cautious.

Safety is often an illusion we trick ourselves into.

Padraigan’s head swiveled in my direction, and I became still. He couldn’t be looking at me. No way.

“Well, well. An eavesdropper.”

Oh shit. Oh shit. He knew I was there.


Sent off three chapters today, so that’s exciting 🙂 I admit, this one is going slowly, probably because it’s a transition book. I’ve never written a transition story before, so I haven’t *quite* gotten down the nuances and the flow of it. Plus, I want to make sure that it’s the best that I can write, and not just put out sub-standard fair, which the last manuscript WAS.

I just wanted to drop a line, give ya’ll updates, let you know that I’m still plugging away at Magick! Oh, there is so much more I know I wanted to say, but I totally forgot what it was. Something wise and motivational, but for the life of me, I can’t recall it. Oh, the vagaries of getting older!


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Frustrations and positivity

I know. Those two don’t go together very well. And its frustrating on both sides of the fence; readers want the next book in the trilogy and I want to publish it. Magick has been read by two editors, and both have made the same suggestions to make it better. When the first editor read it, and made the suggestions, I was a little indignant and wanted a second opinion. So I sent it out to another editor. And my best friend. The other editor came back with almost identical suggestions, and my best friend was succint: it’s not your best work. That’s why she’s my best friend. So I am currently rewriting the entire second half of the book. I admit, I got caught up in all the fun and exciting aspects of writing and publishing, getting good reviews, and I rushed Magick. Eternity had 8 drafts before it was published. Choices had 7. Magick had 2 complete drafts. Not a recipe for an excellent book.

On to the positive part! You can be assured that once Magick is published, it will be worthy of your time, and not just thrown together to get it out there. I’m sorry if I am taking a long time to do this; remember, I am not a full-time writer-I have a full-time job, a son, a husband, go to school, and run a household, so I write about 10 hours a week if I’m lucky. I promise you though, Magick will be awesome and well worth the wait 🙂 Teagan wants you to read her story, and she is quite persistent!



Bad news- Magick won’t be released on December 17th unless my editor can work miracles. After a month of strep-throat, bronchitis, Thanksgiving, and an upper-respiratory infection that wouldn’t go away (the whole frickin house was sick…), I managed to squeek through the last 10K words on Magick, but it is going to take heavy revisions. I followed that old addage of “it doesn’t matter what you write, just write”. Eh, that’s a double-edged sword. I don’t really like where the story went, but as we all know, characters and flow have a way of taking on a life of their own. I will have to see what my editor says.

walking-dead-internment-zombieWhat my house looked like after a month of illness

Good news- Magick is finished- at least until the red pen comes back. I’m hoping it will only be delayed a month (fingers crossed!). In the meantime, I’m starting to read it today so I can try to anticipate what my editor comes back with and be pro-active! As much as anyone can be pro-active through a Nyquil hangover. Anyway, I digress. I have a month of light work ahead of me, so that’s plenty of time to get Magick polished and off for publishing. Then it’s on to Solstice, Harley and Damien’s story, and that’s going to be a doosie! Stayed tuned for updates! And maybe some little tidbits 🙂

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Hi everyone!

Taking another breath of fresh air, and letting everyone know that Magick is almost done! YAY!!! Editing will begin soon, and it looks like I am still on track for a December 17th release 🙂 I haven’t been working on Solstice (book 3’s new title), so that will most likely be released in late 2014. Things have been so crazy lately, between work, motherhood, school, and writing! Plus a little side business that I’m starting lol. I just wanted to drop a line and give everyone an update! Have a gorgeous day!

Blessed be!

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I need your opinion!

So, I’ve been REALLY busy. I mean, REALLY REALLY busy. I get up at 5 (or maybe 6 if I hit snooze enough times), get my son out of bed, walk the dog, throw breakfast together, then I’m out the door for work. I get home around 5-ish, make dinner, check homework, kiss hubby…sounds like a normal day, right? For a lot of women, it IS a normal day. Not so me. After I kiss the hubby and hug the son, I’m either out the door to do school work, or I’m out the door to find a place to write or promote (which I haven’t been doing so that I could just write). 6 days a week. On Sunday, I don’t rest; that’s when I’m washing clothes, cleaning the house, grocery shopping, etc etc ad nauseum. I DID choose this life for myself, that is true, but now I am exhausted. I have to give up something.

I am NOT giving up writing. I refuse!

I also don’t want to give up school; it’s a dream of mine to finally finish my college education. That just leaves the full-time job, because I obviously can’t give up my husband and son! So, I’m going to submit Magick on Pubslush, a crowdfunding platform for authors. No, I am not soliciting donations (although I wouldn’t turn them down!) but I need to build my profile on there before I can start my campaign, which will hopefully lead to enough money that I can take 6-8 months off work so that I can devote a full 8 hours a day to writing, and maybe get some down-time to boot.  One of the things that I need is 3 images that represent Magick, the book. Now, I know that no one has read Magick, but if you read Eternity, then you definitely know the characters in Magick-Teagan and Noah- and I need images that best describe them. I’ve been scouring Google for hours now, giving up precious writing time, and I just can’t find anything that I am happy with.

This is where YOU come in. Send me images you think would represent Magick, and if I pick your images, you will receive an advanced copy of Magick before it gets published! You can either send me a link in the comment section below, or drop me an email at I can’t wait to hear from you and see all the images that you’ll pick! Good luck! Okay, I’m off to write some more before bedtime.


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It all began…(spoilers)

So, I had my vampire, but I needed his mate. What kind of woman would attract a vampire? Quirky ingenue? Brunette bombshell? Nah, not my girl. I wanted a brainy, independent loner who was absorbed by her career. A woman who had no need for male companionship.  A woman consumed by finding an answer.

Gareth was already working on XP in my mind, so I thought to myself that this was the best way to bring them together. Through research. But why was Anna searching so hard for a cure for XP? Because her mother had XP and died from it. And then other tragic things happened. I don’t want to give it all away…

Anna is young, she’s self-sufficient, but she is essentially a hermit. She has no friends, by her own choice, she doesn’t have long-lasting relationships, and she never opens herself up to experiences. She loves the lab, loves the research, and loves the act of discovery, although she has no desire for the spotlight.

She’s pretty much isolated herself, so the thing that breaks her out of that shell had to be pretty amazing. Especially since she wasn’t looking to move out of her comfort zone. To me, only love and instant attraction can burst that bubble!

I hope you enjoy Gareth and Anna’s story, because they are wonderful people to get to know! More on the rest of the trilogy later…

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Buy Eternity by following the link below!